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Importance of Religious Madaris

Almighty Allah has stated in Quran that one who knows and one that does not know i.e. a literate and an illiterate can not be equal. At another place it is stated that Almighty Allah has taught man what he did not know.

Further at the time of creating Adam (A.S) Quran compares knowledge of Adam (A.S.) and angles. Allah taught Adam (A.S) knowledge of different things then asked angles to name them. They expressed their inability, while Adam (A.S) named them, because he was taught beforehand.

To prove Adam (A.S) superior to angles Allah imparted knowledge to Adam (A.S) which angles did not have. Thus it was proved that man is superior to angles because of his knowledge.

Knowledge is the only measuring rod which proves true superiority of man in this world. Unfortunately while evaluating a man’s status at present time, not his knowledge but his wealth, his power and contacts are considered.

To days misfortune is that knowledge is acquired not for knowledge sack but to earn wealth, Regrettably  the present day policy of imparting knowledge is focused on acquiring wealth and therefore  all educational institutions like, schools , colleges and universities main aim  is to earn livelihood  or a mass wealth.

Against this Islamic policy of acquiring knowledge is to know the CREATOR-ALLAH and why he created Universe  and what is in it, and by adopting and putting in practice ideal goals of the creator.

Shaikh Shadi has summed up this point by saying  that  candle  sacrifices it self to provide light, like wise one should sacrifice everything to acquire knowledge because with true knowledge only one can  recognise and understand his creator fully and accomplish salvation or MAREFAT.

By keeping in forefront these great aims of education or knowledge in every age Muslims have served greatly by providing invaluable services in different fields like spreading knowledge, defence, medicine, and progress in modernisation.

Islam’s wide and clear view point pertaining to education and Prophet‘s (s.a.w)  exemplary life style Muslims have not only  served In the field of Religious Education but have also in every useful fields of  knowledge.

When Europe (West) was in dark ages Muslim scientists were establishing scientific theories. Muslim Doctors (Hakims) did research in the field of diagnosis of diseases and methods of diagnosis and provided literature for the same. At the time Europeans were ignorant and totally unaware of this knowledge. When Europe was totally unaware of astrology, in Baghdad observatories were established to study astronomy.

Peace, justice, state control, service to humanity, patriotism and in various other fields’ Muslim provided principles and guidance, and the world is indebted for this to Muslims.

In our own country India various rulers of Pathan, moguls, Ghori and slave dynasty’s rulers and their ministers and religious leaders’ (ALIMS) service to education and art is undeniable and exemplary. To link India with modern progressive world and put it in the path of progress they have played an important role.

The golden link of this march is this Institution “JAMIAH ULOOMUL QURAN JAMBUSAR” It is the frrst and great Arabic Madrassa and cultural centre of this region. It perseveres day and night to preserve and spread religious knowledge in the area.  It gives me great pleasure to give account of its activities and services and I thank Almighty Allah for this.

                There is no doubt that the very existence of Muslims depends on Qur'an, Qur'anic teaching, Hadith and its teaching and also, on the protection of Islamic Shari'ah. Hence Muslim should not be negligent about the publication and preaching of Islam. After the falling of Islamic rule, the Britishers took away the valuable properties, waqaf properties and prevented preaching and Tabligh, noor and hidayat, reformation and thinking etc.. So that darkness spread throughout the India and Muslims had to pass through adverse time. Alhamdulillah, In that tough time also Allah granted vision and mission to the leaders and Ulama-e-kiram for establishment of Madressa which is the root of learning and teaching of Qur'an and Hadith, Islamic knowledge, Islamic culture, true Islamic faith and it should be run by the donation of Muslims.

            Our institute JAMIAH ULOOMUL QURAN is also outcome of this golden chain, the foundation of which was led by pious, sincere elders and Ulama-e-kiram of this area. The principle aim of this Madressa is of Qur'an, Hadith, preaching of Islamic studies, publication and to prepare intelligent and proficient persons who can help Muslims in understanding of Islam and quench the thirst of Islamic knowledge.

The Jamia  has  had always a great purpose and noble objectives as its goal. The Jamia has throughout all its past history and still does its best to take every work and undertaking in a most responsible and professional way. It is only with Allah’s grace and blessing, the Jamia has emerged as a grand Islamic center for serving Islam. We are grateful to Almighty Allah for His numerous blessings and thank Him for His countless endowments on the Jamia and its workers.