
The Jamia has four stages in its educational courses:

Diniyat (Primary) Department: -

The Jamia has defined four years for the completion of this course. Since, the students are usually in the initial stages of their education, and the standard of their understanding of Islam is not so sound and strong, this classification takes a keen note of all these finer points.

The Qur’an with the rules of its recitation, Urdu Language, Elementary Islamic Education etc.

This is the section where Jamia first started. From the beginning children from the areas were no primary, secondary or Dini education (madrasa) facilities were available, we decided to make provision for this from the very beginning and Alhamdullah Jamia is providing this service to those children who have no facilities in their own villages. In this section we provide Urdu, Tajweed along with this Quran Shareef is finished in 4 years.

These students are also provided the worldly education and they go to Govt. School of Jamiah in 7th to 12th std.

Hifz (The Department of Memorization of the Holy Qur’an:)

This department is devoted for the purpose of memorizing the Holy Qur’an for the students. It is one of the most elementary courses of the Jamia. The teachers of this department try their utmost to teach the students the rules of reciting the Holy Qur’an according to its definite sciences. It includes three branches under the supervision of expert teachers.

Alhamdullah we started with 2 classes. There are 15 Hifz classes with a total of 260 students; special attention is given to the Tajweed of the Quran.

For the strength in memorizing the holy Quran, the special attention is given under rules and regulation of Hifz.  

Farsi (Persian) and Urdu Classes:

To continue high standards of education and to make use of book written in Farsi related Quran, Ahadeeth and Fikha (Islamic law). Jamia is running this class for three years, where Farsi and Urdu language is taught. One year for Urdu and two years for Farsi.

Almiyat (The Seven Basic Years of Graduation)

As far as the third stage is concerned, the Jamia gives a great importance to it, and it plays a pivotal role throughout the teaching of all courses to its students and interacts with them in various stages of developing their minds to scale greater heights. All the education and teaching services of this stage are carried out according to Dars-e-Nizami (The famous definite system of education in the Islamic schools of the subcontinent). This system is very popular, especially, in the Indian subcontinent. All the Islamic institutions relating to this systematic education have been adopting the same way for attaining the most excellent and sought-after results for their students and have emerged out successfully from their efforts.

This course includes the following subjects:

The Holy Qur’an and its Sciences

Hadith (Prophetic Teachings and its Sciences)

Islamic Law and its Jurisprudence

Arabic Language and Literature and Rhetoric

Logic and Modern Science

In 1999 when Jamiah started it's final year of this course and teachings of Daura -e- Hadith took place.

Tajweed course:

Quran is to be recited with Tajweed, which is paramount and an absolute must. Hence Jamiah has special emphasise to this starting from Diniyat (Urdu) and Hifz class to Hadith and Aleem Class. Jamiah's younger students recite their Quran with Tajweed and are witnessed by visiting dignitaries and guests, like other sections Tajweed section is making great progress. This year Qirat-e- Hafaz, Qirat-e-Sabah, Qirat-e- Salatha and Qirat-e-Ashrah has also started. This year 33 students completed Qirat-e-Hafaz and 12 student completed Qirat-e-Sabah obtaining and one student completed Qirat-e-salash Qari Certificate, Alhamdulilah.

Ifta & Tamreene Ifta

(Islamic Fiqh and Jurisprudence)

This department undertakes to train the students in Islamic Fiqh and jurisprudence in 2011. Its syllabus is based on authentic Fiqh books.

Ifta (Jurisprudence) is decision making on the basis of understanding of the Hadith & Quran.Needy people are resolving their problems by consulting our Ifta department. In this department scholars (Muftiyan) answer the questions.